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Detroit 1967 is a community engagement project of the Detroit Historical Society, developed in collaboration with Metro Detroit residents, museums and cultural institutions, non-profit and community organizations, public and private schools, colleges and universities, and businesses. 5401 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, MI 48202.
Sexta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2014. Agentes prejudiciais à saúde no trabalho devem ser informados Perfil Profissiográfico do empregado. Foi exatamente por esse motivo que a 2ª Turma do TRT-MG, acompanhando voto do desembargador Sebastião Geraldo de Oliveira, negou provimento ao recurso da empresa e manteve a sentença que determinou a retificação do Perfil Profissiográfico Previdenciário do reclamante. Entretanto, mesmo não estando presentes os requisitos para a concessão da aposentadoria especial, a emp.
MPs letter on Efford bill. Private firms on course to net 9bn of contracts. Private health firms are on course to win more than 9bn of NHS contracts. NHS staff stage four-hour strike. GPs seeking work abroad doubles. MPs warn on kidney dialysis plan. Arms firm in the frame for 1bn contract.
Hosted by MeriTalk in partnership with OMB, the FITARA Forum provides the platform to get the inside track on the new law and what it means for your agency. Will agencies meet the deadlines? What are the common opportunities and challenges? How will FITARA impact Federal IT outcomes and efficiency? Attend this half-day program to hear from Tony Scott, OMBs FITARA team, Federal CIOs, GAO, and more.